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A member registered Jul 08, 2021

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CAPITALITES has so much appeal as a versatile urban drama game. Our experience running it has been very expansive and we’ve played a good 4 hours and have extended the play to Discord. Character is everything in this. The playbooks are detailed and we managed to build complex personalities. Everyone has the best and worst versions of themselves. We enjoyed getting into the meat of everyone’s motivations and encouraging enmeshment for better or worse - it’s the involvement that makes it fun, vulnerable, revealing.

Safety tools are excellent in this. Clear boundary setting with the series sheets was so useful. We are able to achieve a connective game experience because we felt safe with having an out if things got too involved or skewed uncomfortably.

As a roleplay focused GM, this really was a memorable facilitating experience for me. It brought out great performances from the players. Excellent game!

Oh my gosh thank you!!! This indeed is perfect.

Currently playing this and I am enjoying every bit of it! I just wonder if it's possible to get an easy to print separate sheet for page 23 summary of play? I am struggling to select the text to print so that I can have a loose sheet to refer to. Wondering if that's a possible offering? Thank you so so much! Loving this gorgeous game.